An acredited Women’s Executive Coach, striving to make positive, meaningful change for women in the workplace. I have over 20 years experience leading, training, teaching and facilitating employees, families and young people.
I understand the need for talented women in the workplace to have a safe, confidential space in which to work through Women's issues such as menopause, neurodiversity, returning to work, and leadership styles.
JRLCoach can help companies benefit from retaining valuable employees and allow these women to achieve company and individual goals, whilst ultimately thriving in the workplace.
With training in psychology and neuroscience, I use a goal oriented, solution-focused approaches. I draw on my own values of support, challenge, and humour to get the best out of a client.

Women and the Work Place - Why do you need a Coach?

Women make up over half of the workforce. Issues effecting women such as motherhood, menopause and neurodivercsity, can have huge impacts on women at work.
Menopause - Current research (Fowcett Society 2022) shows that one in 10 menopausal women quit work, whilst one in seven women wish to reduce their hours due to menopausal symptoms. Many of these menopausal women are in leadership roles.
Returning to work after children -Fewer than one-in-five of all new mothers, and 29 per cent of first-time mothers, return to full-time work in the first three years after maternity leave. This falls to 15 per cent after five years. (Understanding society – Longitudinal study 2019)
Long covid –effects more midlife, healthy women than any other demographic – Of the 1.3 million reported cases of long covid in the uk, the prevalence of self-reported long COVID was greatest in women aged 35 to 69 years. (0ffice of Notional Statistics 2022)
Leadership roles – Women only make up 40% of FTSE 100 top table roles. However, the ‘One and done’ attitude still remains in many corporate environments.
Neurodiversity - 1 in 5 of us are Neurodivergent (Deloitte 2023). Women often present differently and are diagnosed much later in life. Most workplaces are still designed for neurotypicals, which means that 'companies are either missing out or not making full use of an extremely valuable talent pool' (Gemma Rolstone, March 2022).
JRLCoach can help talented women in these situations to stay within the workplace and thrive.

Career Change
I was feeling like I was ready to make a change in my career, but not sure of what that should be. Julia has been an excellent sounding board, helping me to see that I have control over my own career. She has allowed me to talk through all my thoughts, feelings and fears about my career, and come to my own conclusions about things. She has also offered an outsider's perspective that has given me greater confidence in myself and my abilities.
Julia’s warm, flexible, down to earth approach encourages me to celebrate my wins, and to not be too hard on myself.
I've since changed jobs, doing the same role for more money with a different company. I'm also learning heaps of new skills with this company, feel valued and I'm growing in confidence.
Senior Accounts Manager, Advertising Agency

Julia has created a safe space for me where I could talk about anything and everything. Her style as intuitive, she knows when to listen and when to coach by suggesting alternative approaches. We have worked through menopausal issues together. I now see menopause as a superpower, rather than something to be ashamed of.
Where once I felt lost, now I’m more aware of my goals and know what actions to take with greater clarity. As a result of Julia’s sessions, I continue to achieve my professional and personal goals, and now feel armed with strategies to help me in the future.
Team Sales Lead – International Clothing Company

Neurodiversity at work
I suspected I had ADHD, and worked through with Julia behaviours and patterns that were impacting my work. I was anxious all the time, and tried to hide my ADHD behaviours from my colleagues. Through the sessions with Julia, I gathered the strength to go through with a diagnosis. Julia supported me through the entire process, from how to get a diagnosis, to how to tell my friends, family and colleagues. Through our sessions, I was able to recognise that ADHD was a superpower, not a hindrance. Julia coached me to have vital discussions with my boss about what changes were needed for me to be my most productive.
Chief Copy Writer, Social Media Company